Adult Bible Studies

Need to Sunday morning Bible study or one during the week?

Growing in God’s Word is the primary way our minds are renewed and our lives continually transformed (Romans 12:2). St. Bartholomew’s offers a variety of Bible Studies that are open to every person desiring to strengthen the content of their faith.  

For more information on any of the following available studies, please contact our church office at (716) 831.1777.

Men’s Discipleship Study

This Bible study and Fellowship group is open to all men ages 18 and older desiring to become more Christ-centered in our daily lives.

John Krull
Tuesday evenings from September through June

Men’s Fellowship Lunch

Men of the church meet-up for lunch at various locales throughout the Western New York area. To find out when and where they're meeting next contact John Krull by email: or by phone: (716)868-6328.

John Krull

Women’s Tuesday Evening Fellowship & Bible Study

Our mission: To grow even closer to the Lord through a greater understanding of His Word with study, prayers and praise, and through fellowship with our sisters in Christ.

Please join us and bring your Bible, a study Bible if you have one.

Louise Jones
Every other Tuesday in the Large Fellowship Hall

Women’s Wednesday Morning Fellowship & Bible Study

Weekly Bible study for women written by God-centered authors and teachers, to draw closer in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Barbara Molison
Wednesday mornings from September through June

Young Adult Study

All high schoolers through college age, looking to grow in their faith through bible study and fellowship, are welcome to attend.

Liz Burkett and Will Crosby
Every other Sunday
12:00 PM


It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare.

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

Albert and Linda Matuch