9:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
8 a.m. & 10 a.m.


10:00 am - Pre-k - 12th grade
Adult Sunday Bible Study

We are located at 2368 Eggert Road, Tonawanda NY 14150, near Sheridan Drive.  Our church is just 19 minutes from downtown Buffalo and 6 minutes from the University at Buffalo.

We warmly invite visitors from all backgrounds to join us in our weekly services, as well as our Bible studies, volunteer opportunities and numerous outreach events. If this will be your first visit with us, here is what you can expect:   

Our Worship Services

We have one mid-week "Holy Eucharist" service on Wednesdays at 9:30 am and we have three weekend “Holy Eucharist” services: Saturday at 4:30 pm, and Sunday at 8:00 am and 10:00 am.  

Each of our Sunday services have a different atmosphere:
 •  8:00 am is a quieter, contemplative service without any music.
 •  10:00 am is a service with a mixture of traditional hymns and more recent songs of praise to God. The 10:00am service is also Livestreamed.

The 10:00am service offers a well-supervised nursery year-round for infants and toddlers 2 and under and great kid-friendly program for children Pre-K through 12th grade.

The Liturgy

Anglican worship is defined by two commitments: To the authority of the Holy Scripture (the Word of God) and to the Holy Sacraments. Together Word and Sacrament point us to Jesus Christ and, in doing so, work to shape us into a faithful Christ-centered community.

The way we express this worship is known as the Liturgy. Far from empty ritualism, Anglican worship involves the active participation of the whole person: our mind, body, and soul. Everything you will see and experience in the service – the prayers, the symbols, and the actions – all invite us to share in the good news of God’s salvation. The reading and teaching of the Holy Scriptures (the ministry of the Word) prepare us for the culmination of our service, which is the receiving of Holy Communion (also referred to as "the Lord's Supper").

Receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion

All baptized Christians are invited to receive Holy Communion with us. If you would like to receive but are not able to come forward please tell an usher. The priest would be happy to bring communion to your pew.

If you are not baptized, or would prefer not to receive the sacrament, we warmly invite you to still come forward and receive a blessing. You may indicate this to the priest by crossing your arms across your chest. As our valued guest your only obligation during the service is to keep an open heart to what God may desire to do in you!

We’d love to meet you!

After the service we invite you to our hospitality booth in Fr. Amend Hall for a free gift. We’d love to meet you!